Welcome parents!

During the year, most of the class notes and worksheets that we do in class will be posted on this website. If you do not have a pdf reader you can get one for free at the following web addesses: http://www.foxitsoftware.com/pdf/reader/ OR http://get.adobe.com/reader/ The homework section can be added to your RSS Feed which can be added to your desktop if you are using Vista or Windows 7 (For more help with feeds please click here). If you (as a parent or guradian) are unsure of what your son/daughter has to do - please ask your child or e-mail me directly at the address listed below:


Welcome students!

As always, you need to make sure that if you miss class you get the notes. To help with that, I am placing copies of the notes, assignments and worksheets under the appropriate subject headings. Be sure to check here daily for an update to homework and deadlines as well as information about lab schedules and field trips or other important information that may have been announced during advisory.


Student Expectations!

Classroom policies: Cell phones, IPODS and/or MP3 players are not to be used in the classroom. Their use in class is absolutely prohibited.  Please have a proper calculator and watch, as you will not be allowed to use your IPOD etc... to substitute for these electronic devices for any reason. If the need should arise to make contact with home, you will be permitted to go to the office. If your parents need to contact you during class time, they can also contact the office, who in turn will buzz the classroom.

Class work: Come prepared with a binder, extra paper, textbook, pen and pencil, and other items as necessary. Keep notes in order, neatly in binder or in an exercise book. Have a folder for all handouts - they are important! 

Homework and assignments: Please respect due dates – hand in your work on time.  This allows me to give you appropriate feedback on what you have done.  If you require an extension on an assignment or project, you must see me before the due date so we can discuss it.  Your assignments are a reflection of you – please ensure that your name is on the front, that the writing is legible, and that the work is complete and neatly presented.

Missed class: Let me know BEFORE you are going to be absent (if you can!).  You can do this by seeing me in person or e-mailing me. There may be times when it is not a good idea to miss class, such as for group activities. If work is missed, it is your responsibility to catch up and complete all class work, homework and assignments.  Here are some strategies:

  • Ask a classmate 
  • Check this website – homework is posted on the homework page and all notes and handouts are updated regularly. 
  • Come and see me – if I can’t help right away, we will schedule a time.

Missed tests/quizzes: If at all possible, see me BEFORE the quiz/test to schedule a time (i.e. if you know you will be away).  This applies to vacations, medical appointments and other scheduled absences.  If you miss a test or quiz, you will be expected at an appropriate time as deemed by the eveluation policy.  Come and see me as soon as you get back to school and we will arrange a time to write the test. You MUST bring a note TO ME if you have missed a test, explaining the reason for your absence.

Most importantly… Keep me informed and ask for help when you need it!  If I know you are having difficulties, I can be very flexible and accommodating and provide you with the help and support that you will need to succeed.